Saturday, May 5, 2012

Beautiful Way

The grandfather says: I’ll show you a beautiful present!
Grandson: what is it?;
- You continue walking and you’ll discover it.
- How much time left?; 
- Very little - continue.
After 5 hours the child says: I can’t any take this anymore, what is it? The grandfather takes a stone and says: it's this!
By Cristina de Hita


  1. I don´t understand very well the sense of the story. Maybe could be the present is the walk?

    Laura Paz

  2. this story is a tender,
    Grandfather teaches the importance of nature, the gift we have and we do not realize because we reverse on a consumerist society.

    This story makes you think.

  3. I like this story because of the important message that it´s including. Grandfather show him the importance of nature and he expects they have a good time. Also it has a lesson to be learnt to children and adults because a good present, there is no need to be very expensive, but meaningful.

    Gema García

  4. I like the story because oh the message that it transmit about the nature. In addition I think that it has a kind of unexpected end, I mean, while I was reading the story I was wandering what the prewsent will be and I didn't expect what it was, and it's interesting. I think that,nowadays, every message teaching about the importance of the nature is very good and useful.


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